Day 20 of 40 – A moment I felt most satisfied in life


That would be 2018.

Early 2018. 

I had a pretty rough 2017 and Q1 2018 compensated for all the back lash 2017 had given me.

I started a new job. Joined a very amazing group of women, had a mentor for the first time in my life, started my business, became more self aware. I grew up basically and I felt really really satisfied in that moment. 

Unrequited Love


They say,

if you love someone

let them go

if they are yours

they’ll come back


They called it maturity

who maturity help?

I don’t want to be mature

but being immature will

mean being Selfish, right?


They omitted the part

where I can’t settle

for being just friends

it’s all or nothing


They said this is me

being my sister’s keeper

but what if I don’t want

to be the bigger person

does this make me a bad person?


Whalai, love shouldn’t hurt,

at least not like this

but I hope they’re right

I hope my love comes back to me





Day 19 of 40 – My Zodiac Sign


Team Capricorn please let’s gather for a selfie 😀

The challenge is to identify my zodiac sign and indicate whether or not it describes my personality.

I decided to take a stroll on streets of google to find some characteristics/quotes of/on the Capricorn woman I agree with:

  1. “It means more to a Capricorn when you keep all of your promises and don’t waste their time” (I think this is generally applicable, but what do I know)
  2. “Be patient with Capricorn, underneath that aloof, indifferent outside lies a physical, passionate loyal person that will come out when the time is right, once you have proven yourself ” (those that know, know – team “Noah” 😀 )
  3. “As a Capricorn, people find it difficult to understand how you can be so conservative in some ways yet so daring in other ways” (darz how starz do)
  4. “Capricorns tend to over think situations that they have absolutely no control over” (this is definitely why my head is big won ti fi se wa).  The constant struggle of learning how to totally surrender and leave everything at the feet of Jesus.
  5. “Capricorn, you’ve always handled things pretty gracefully and every bad thing that has ever happened to you in the past didn’t break you then and it’s not going to break you now” (This!!! right here..hits deep)
  6. “As a Capricorn, I feel awkward getting compliments. I’d rather be appreciated with actions rather than words” (The accuracy is mind blowing *now playing – Blow my mind)
  7. “Capricorns tend to get bored easily, so you ‘ll need to make things interesting…to keep them interested” (my bad habit – God “safe” me)
  8. “Capricorns do not like to be kept waiting” (one of my pet peeves actually. But I can keep people waiting sha chei!!)

I guess it is safe to say that I am biologically a Capricorn hehehe

18 of 40 – Favourite Comfort Food

You can’t buy happiness but you can buy Ice cream and that is pretty much the same thing” – Unknown

I scream for ice cream!!!

It touches my soul – I can’t explain it. Generally, food touches my soul but you see “ice cream” – that is on another level.

But ever since they’ve introduced me to the gelato life, my taste buds are acting fancy… doesn’t know worris going on.

Day 17 of 40 – Thoughts on religion



“Religion is man’s quest for God; the Gospel is the saviour God seeking lost men. Religion originates on earth; the Gospel originated in heaven. Religion is man-made; the Gospel is the gift of God. Religion is the story of what a sinful man tries to do for a holy God; the Gospel is the story of what a holy God has done for sinful men. Religion is good views; the Gospel is good news” – Roy Gustafson

I adopt this view as mine and would like to add that I believe the world will be a better place if there were less religious people and more God-oriented people. Religion is what makes serving God “difficult”.  Many of us are so religious we forget how to be Christians.  We have become routine driven as opposed to being Spirit driven.

Let me stop here.

But I will close with this, “Religions are man’s search for God; the Gospel is God’s search for man.  There are many religions, but one Gospel” E. Stanley Jones

Day 16 of 40 – Pet Peeve


I don’t have pet peeves like some people. I have whole kennels of irritation”― Whoopi Goldberg

I honestly feel like writing my own book of “lamentations” on pet peeves but I’ve decided to restrain myself, so I’ll be nice.  The challenge was actually to write my top 5 pet peeves but I will leave it at one.

*one I do not under any circumstance appreciate it when we meet for the first time and you just start speaking a local dialect, I am not referring to those that can’t speak English obviously *rme. I am attacking those that do it as a way of “forming familiarity”. Please please, we are not cool like that, dey your dey (I know my own is too much) stop passing your boundary.

The official language for communication in Nigeria is English. Speaking my language is very personal to me, if I speak Yoruba to you, it shows that we have started relating on a more than “Hi Hi” level

*two I would also appreciate if you don’t speak your language to me if about three of us are having a conversation and one of us doesn’t speak the language. It is very rude, in my opinion. Maybe a word or two but nothing more. It was particularly annoying when I was in law school. Like one minute we are all having a conversation in English and the next minute I feel like a third wheel *arrgh

Back to awon goons mi that like to form familiarity.  The other day I was at Shoprite, trying to enjoy a nice meal, this uncle gets to my corner, offered himself a seat and started talking. He was speaking English ooo but Immediately I told him my name this uncle just switched and said something to the effect that, “ehen! ase omo yoruba ni e o den wa n form” (so you are Yoruba and you’re now forming). Then he went on for almost 15 minutes rapping Yoruba while I struggled to enjoy my meal. I didn’t kuku say a word.

When he finally noticed that he had been a “radio” for 15 minutes, he paused and looked at me. I politely claimed that I didn’t understand all he had been chanting in the last 15 minutes (p.s. this will continue to be my reaction to everyone that jumps the gun). He felt very stupid, as was the intention.

*three Then, he just had to. “How can a yoruba girl like you not understand your language?”. Please don’t ask me how I responded because there really isn’t anything to tell. Those that know me fairly would probably guess right :D.

You can see why I said I will dwell on only one pet peeve. This singular one has birthed three lool

15 of 40 – Where will I like to be in the next 10 years


This questions stresses the hell out of me and I honestly don’t have an answer.

Simply put, I want to be happy, living my dreams, fulfilling purpose, super rich

I particularly hate this question lool. I have a vision board. Don’t get me wrong ooo.  It just sometimes the question can be overwhelming.

Like, I am still trying to figure out where I would like to be by the end of the year and you’re asking about 10 years.  I know for sure that I am constantly evolving and it has really been  evident this year.  I remember having a discussion with a friend and I was like today I want to be A, tomorrow I want to be C and next tomorrow I am feeling pumped about A again.

But the grand picture, I would like to be a world renowned and certified perfumer and teacher of the craft. I would like to compete internationally. I see myself heading a multinational, married with children (if God wills). I see myself living my dreams and making the most out of life.

I see myself in ministry – just burning for God and bringing as many people with me on that journey. I see myself as an author(one day I am going to write this book lool). I see myself speaking on various platforms. I see myself giving back to the society.  I see my life happy basically and fulfilled.

Mhen 10 year is not that long from now, thinking about. So hopefully I look back at this post in 10 years and say “Yes, I did it and more”. No regrets

14 of 40 – Relationship Status


They said I should discuss my relationship status ooo.

Well last I checked 

I’m a single pringle 

Ready to mingle 

I can’t speak on behalf of those dating me sha…ooo but as far as my memory serves me, I’m single as at date.

I had written an epistle on how rewarding being single has been but I decided against sharing for reasons best known to me so my epistle is for my information *sips tea

I have shared the important part lool

13 of 40 – Unfulfilled Childhood dreams


So the challenge for day 13 is “Something I always dreamed of doing when I was a child but I cannot do anymore”

My biggest dream as a child was to be lawyer and now I am. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to slap “common sense” into that dream of mine 🙄 (don’t ask me why). 

I am not sure there is anything I dreamed of doing as a child that I can’t do anymore.

As far as I am concerned, I am still a child. I am not interested in this adulthood that you people are sharing.  Argue with my birth certificate…lool



12 of 40 – Enjoyable Daily Routine

13Drinking tea.

As basic as that sounds, I incorporate drinking tea (black, green, flavoured etc.) in my daily routine. I love tea a lot (got it from my dad). He is the only person I know that would drink tea with swallow (I always wondered if the tea will counter the effect of the swallow lol).  My own no reach like that.

My favourite brand of tea is Ahmad Tea. The taste and smell of their flavoured tea is an automatic mood booster for me. My top flavours are strawberry; and peach & passion fruit.  I am currently exploring the lemon & lime twist flavour.  I like Twinings as well.

I will not mention my least favourite tea brand so I don’t spoil their business…lol (I am nice like that)

There you have it, I just spilled some tea. 😀